Complaint CM-2019-015188 (Closed)
File Number: CM-2019-015188
Complaint Type: (Code) Zoning Complaints
Complaint Description: Large Cactus blocking sidewalk - There is a very large cactus overgrowing onto the sidewalk where you have to be very careful. a handicapped person could not use the sidewalk with the over grown cactus.Needs to be cut back. SCF source:
Address: 9201 HILTON PL NE, Albuquerque, NM
Created Date: Apr 26, 2019
Completed Date: May 30, 2020
Date Violation Type Description
Apr 30, 2019 8-2-7-13 ARTICLES NOT TO OBSTRUCT SIDEWALKS Please remove the cactus/vegetation which has grown in such a manner as to obstruct or restrict the free use of the sidewalk by pedestrians.
Screen ID: 1403943