Complaint CM-2018-051737 (In Review)
File Number: CM-2018-051737
Complaint Type: (Code) Zoning Complaints
Complaint Description: Nuisance Property - 5700 Carrick St NW is more like a apartment complex than a residential house. Numerous cars parked at and around 5700 some legally parked others parked illegally day after day.. Loud exhaust from cars coming from same house. Up to a dozen cars have been parked at and around Rental. Has become a Nuisance property, Plus illegal fireworks in the past. Carrick St becomes clogged when this single house has cars parked on both sides of street. Reported by:
Address: INSPECTOR_AREA Daniel Soriano - 5700 CARRICK ST NW
Created Date: Dec 17, 2018
Completed Date:
Date Violation Type Description
Screen ID: 1403943