Complaint CM-2018-039985 (Closed)
File Number: CM-2018-039985
Complaint Type: (Code) Zoning Complaints
Complaint Description: Homeless Camp - This "camp" has been growing over the past year. On the other side of the fence is Wilson Middle School, across the street is Altura Prepratort School and on the other corner is Holy Ghost Catholic School. The children are yelled at by homeless drug users who now LIVE at Wilson Park. One child at one of these schools was pricked by a dropped heroine needle on the playground. Now this child has to do quarterly blood tests. Janitors have to rake the sand at the playground every morning for needles
Address: 1100 CARDENAS DR SE, Albuquerque, NM
Created Date: Aug 29, 2018
Completed Date: May 30, 2020
Date Violation Type Description
Screen ID: 1403943