Complaint CM-2018-036072 (In Review)
File Number: CM-2018-036072
Complaint Type: (Code) Zoning Complaints
Complaint Description: Homeless Camp between Heights Church of Christ and auto body shop - Homeless Camp between Heights Church of Christ and auto body shop. The camp has grown significantly complete with dogs, city trash cans, and various debris from clothing to shopping carts. Permission to live, stay, or loiter has not been given by the church. The individual(s) tamper with water spigots at the church causing leaks which damages the stucco exterior. Church members do not feel safe walking from their vehicles to the building as various drug and prostitution activity is frequently ob
Address: INSPECTOR_AREA Christopher Romero - 7801 ZUNI RD SE
Created Date: Aug 3, 2018
Completed Date:
Date Violation Type Description
Screen ID: 1403943