Complaint CM-2020-042126 (Closed)
File Number: CM-2020-042126
Complaint Type: (Bldg) Unsafe Structure Complaint
Complaint Description: Today's Ref # 200928-001749 City Planning Code Inspection Permits - Here is added info: 80-unit apartments built in 1950's. Newly-completed construction of one barrier-fence, 3 pedestrian gates, and 3 vehicle gates did not have visible Permits posted. CONCERN for proper American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. (Additional CONCERN shared in separate Ref #200928-001741 and request #8667045 with City Fire Marshall Inspection.) Pedestrian (residents and visitors) access to common areas (mail boxes) was originally thru 3 unrestricted enty/exit points. Today p
Address: INSPECTOR_AREA Denise Rodriguez - 4949 ROMA AVE NE
Created Date: Sep 29, 2020
Completed Date: Nov 17, 2020
Date Violation Type Description
Screen ID: 1403943