Complaint CM-2020-001517 (Closed)
File Number: CM-2020-001517
Complaint Type: (Weed) Weed Complaints
Complaint Description: Weed & Litter Complaint - COULD NOT PIN ACTUAL LOCATION/ADDRESS INCORRECT: This scene is actually at the south end of the alley between the 1100 blocks of Georgia and Indiana SE. it looks as though there might have been some drug activity, so I did not venture to see if there were actually hypo needles present. The longer the debris stays, the more of a magnet it becomes to vagrants. Please expedite cleanup by CABQ (not surrounding residents) Image:
Address: 1131 INDIANA ST SE, Albuquerque, NM
Created Date: Jan 14, 2020
Completed Date: May 30, 2020
Date Violation Type Description
Screen ID: 1403943