Complaint CM-2019-049896 (Closed)
File Number: CM-2019-049896
Complaint Type: (Code) Zoning Complaints
Complaint Description: Inoperable Vehicle Parked on Yard and Sidewalk - Abandoned Vehicle - This same large black late model Chevy is parked on the sidewalk and is BLOCKING view of driveways. This needs to be moved, lived in the area for years and previous vehicles that would park on the sidewalk would get ticketed. This is a driving hazard and needs to be MOVED, when reversing into traffic this LARGE CAR is blocking any view to reverse safely, 12th is lined with driveways that need to see and this SUV is preventing this. The drivers side window is broken, out of state plates and ra
Address: 1015 12TH ST NW, Albuquerque, NM
Created Date: Nov 12, 2019
Completed Date: May 30, 2020
Date Violation Type Description
Screen ID: 1403943