Complaint CM-2019-047820 (Closed)
File Number: CM-2019-047820
Complaint Type: (Weed) Weed Complaints
Complaint Description: Weed & Litter Complaint - they must have people living in the back yard. They have gross things on the yard and strange people coming and going. If they dont have people living in the back yard then they must be dealing drugs. SCF source:
Address: 2728 ALCAZAR ST NE, Albuquerque, NM
Created Date: Oct 23, 2019
Completed Date: May 30, 2020
Date Violation Type Description
Oct 9, 2019 14-16-4-3(E)(15) Outdoor Storage Discontinue storing tools, and appliances, or any items in your yard which are not part of the landscape. Any items that are not part of the landscape of your yard must be stored in a building, such as your home, a shed, or your garage.
Screen ID: 1403943