Complaint CM-2019-045579 (Closed)
File Number: CM-2019-045579
Complaint Type: (Weed) Weed Complaints
Complaint Description: Weed & Litter Complaint - Photo taken from Vassar Drive facing South, about to enter Comanche. Weeds, trash, debris, Sidewalk along Vassar is unusable due to weeds and trees. Really pisses me off when people I know get violation notices for less in the heights. This is a major corridor to Main Event and Urban Air. Why is this place so junky? Image: SCF sou
Address: INSPECTOR_AREA Dennis Romero - 3801 VASSAR DR NE
Created Date: Oct 7, 2019
Completed Date: May 30, 2020
Date Violation Type Description
Oct 9, 2019 8-2-7-13 ARTICLES NOT TO OBSTRUCT SIDEWALKS Upon inspection of the property vegetation was observed obstructing the sidewalk. To be in compliance vegetation on the property must be pruned or removed as not to obstruct the sidewalk.
Oct 9, 2019 9-8-4 Growth or Accumulation of Weeds and Litter Upon inspection of the property weeds were observed. To be in compliance weeds must be cleared from the property.
Screen ID: 1403943