Complaint CM-2019-042396 (Closed)
File Number: CM-2019-042396
Complaint Type: (Weed) Weed Complaints
Complaint Description: Weed & Litter Complaint - there are several bushes on this street that are overgrown into the street. I almost got hit by oncoming traffic the other day when I had to move closer to the center of the street and the other car didn't move over going the opposite direction. the bushes are hanging over the sidewalk into the street. Image: SCF source: ht
Address: 6953 WHITE PINE PL NE, Albuquerque, NM
Created Date: Sep 18, 2019
Completed Date: May 30, 2020
Date Violation Type Description
Sep 25, 2019 9-8-4 Growth or Accumulation of Weeds and Litter Please, remove weeds/litter from your property, including area between property line and curb. If applicable, remove weeds and litter from middle of alley to your property line. To include back wall to the curb. Dispose of weeds and/or litter properly. WEEDS ALONG THE BACK WALL
Screen ID: 1403943